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Sun & Shadow Position Specialists
with Modeling Applications in
Collision and Crime Scene Reconstruction,
Urban Development, Site Planning and Building Design

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Representative Projects

Collision Investigation and Reconstruction

Crime Scene and Criminal Investigations

Shadow Impact Studies

Solar Access Studies

Miscellaneous Studies & Analyses

Collision Investigation and Reconstruction
expert witness testimony re: sun/shadow position modeling before...

...Alaska Criminal Superior Court, Fairbanks AK (vehicle/pedestrian fatality)
...Ontario Court of Justice, Orangeville ON (fatal multi-vehicle collision)
...Provincial Court Criminal Division, Barrie ON (vehicle/pedestrian collision).

expert witness testimony by sworn affidavit...

...U.S. District Court, Atlanta GA (motor vehicle collision)
...Judicial District Court, St. Tammany, LA (motor vehicle collision).

sun position analyses and reports...

...fatal rear-end collision, Minot, ND
...car / pedestrian collision, Bundoora, Australia
...rear-end collision, Tucker GA
...car / pedestrian collision, South Shields, UK
...car / pedestrian collision, Wellington, New Zealand
...motor vehicle collision, Avon Park FL
...pedestrian fatality, York ON
...car / pedestrian collision, Westtown NJ
...pedestrian fatality, Fairbanks AK
...fatal multi-vehicle collision, Orangeville ON
...head-on collision, Islip NY
...rear-end collision, Atlanta GA
...head-on triple fatality, Pioneer CA
...pedestrian fatality, Barrie ON
...car/pedestrian collision, Tempe AZ
...fatal head-on collision, West Paterson NJ
...car/train collision, Woodlawn ON
...two-vehicle collision, Covington LA

...fatal head-on motor vehicle collision, Seven Valleys PA
…fuel tanker truck / school bus collision, Head Lake ON
...vehicle/pedestrian collision, Barrie ON.

analysis of sun position and reflective glare for fatal multi-vehicle collision, Orangeville ON.

sun position analysis, calculate equivalent dates and times for video reconstructions of traffic collisions, London, Toronto.

sun position analysis, calculate equivalent dates and times for jury visit, San Diego CA.

sun position data and/or letters of opinion for traffic accident investigations, various locations in Canada, England, Norway, Scotland, and USA.

presentations to the Canadian Association of Technical Accident Investigators and Reconstructionists (CATAIR), Ontario Region, Toronto....

..."Sun and Shadow Modeling in Accident Reconstruction"
..."Superimposing Sun Position and Total Station Survey Data into Driver’s Eye Perspective Photographs - A Case Study"

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Crime Scene and Criminal Investigations

expert witness testimony re: photo / shadow "time and date analysis" before...

...U.S. District Court, Charleston WV (deposition)

      video / shadow “time and date analysis” for an investigation (confidential) by a United Nations Claims Commission, Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague, Netherlands. 

video / shadow “time and date analysis” for civil case, Charleston WV.

video / shadow “time and date analysis” for civil case, Anaheim CA.

video / shadow “time and date analysis” for civil case, Kissimmee FL.

photo / shadow “time and date analysis” for civil case, Fenton, MO.

photo / shadow “time and date analysis” for civil case, Cartersville, GA.

photo / shadow “time and date analysis” for criminal investigation, Capac, MI.

photo / shadow “time and date analysis” for criminal investigation, Rescue CA.

sun and shadow position analysis for a "trip and fall" civil suit, Wellington, FL.

sun and shadow position analysis for a "trip and fall" civil suit, Jacksonville Beach FL.

confirm sunset time for criminal trials involving...

...suspect identification issues, Toronto ON
...timeline and witness statement issues, Toronto ON.

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Shadow Impact Studies

Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) (formerly Ontario Municipal Board (OMB))  expert witness testimony...

...impact of infill housing, Kawartha Lakes
...impact of building additions, Markham, Toronto
...impact of proposed multi-storey condos, Bradford, Mississauga, Orillia, Toronto
...impact of proposed highrise office buildings, Toronto.

drawings and reports for LPAT hearings in support of proposed high-rises, Bradford, Mississauga, Orillia, Toronto.

drawings and reports for LPAT hearings in support of proposed single-family residential re-development projects, Kawartha Lakes, Markham, Rosedale (Toronto), Toronto.

peer review of shadow studies, and prepare supplemental shadow analyses…

...Pier 27 Phase II - Toronto
...60 Colborne - Toronto
...Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) expansion - 317 Dundas Street West, Toronto
...College Park III - Canderel Stoneridge, Yonge/Gerrard, Toronto
...Four Seasons Hotel/Condo - Bay/Yorkville, Toronto
...Minto Towers - Yonge/Eglinton, Toronto
...Minto/Victoria University - Charles/St. Thomas, Toronto
...Minto Lonsdale - Avenue/Lonsdale, Toronto.

peer review of shadow studies…

...1 St. Thomas Street - Toronto
...Canada Life - 180 Queen Street West, Toronto 
...Canadian Tire - Yonge/Church Streets, Toronto
...Deer Park Condos - Toronto
...Karita Towers - 15 Maple Avenue, Barrie
...Ordnance Street Condos - Toronto
...Wind Farm shadow flicker, Melancthon ON.

peer review of proponent's shadow studies on behalf of affected homeowner, Ottawa ON.

prepare Municipal Shadow Study Standards; City of Guelph, Halifax Regional Municipality, City of Mississauga, City of Ottawa, Town of Whitby

prepare sun position charts for use in shadow impact studies, Town of Lacombe AB.

shadow impact drawings and reports in support of development proposals, Aberdeen Scotland, Agincourt, Ajax, Alameda CA, Alliston, Barrie, Beeton, Berkeley CA, Bradford, Burlington, Calgary, Kingston, Mississauga, North York, Oakland CA, Oakville, Orillia, Milton, Richmond Hill, Scarborough, Toronto, Vaughan.

shadow impact drawings showing building demolition/preservation options related to the protection of a vest pocket park in Midtown Manhattan NY.

shadow animation for re-development of Princess Margaret Hospital lands, Toronto.

shadow impact drawings for Committee of Adjustment hearing in support of proposed semi-detached residential re-development project, Toronto (The Annex).

shadow impact drawings for Committee of Adjustment hearing in support of proposed single-family residential re-development project, Toronto (Forest Hill).

shadow impact drawings for Committee of Adjustment hearing in opposition to proposed single-family residential re-development project, Toronto (Lawrence Park).

shadow impact drawings for planning hearing in opposition to proposed addition to single-family residential dwelling, Cambridgeshire UK.

shadow impact drawings for planning hearing in opposition to proposed addition to 4-storey apartment building, Hoboken NJ.

shadow impact drawings and report for California Coastal Commission hearing in opposition to proposed addition to single-family residential dwelling, Oceanside CA.

presentation - "Virtual Modeling of Tall Buildings – Sun & Shadows" – part of workshop session entitled, High-Tech Tools for Design and Development Review, presented at the Higher Learning Symposium, Toronto, October 2006.

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Solar Access Studies

sun/shade analysis of tree removal required for proposed garden, Indianapolis, IN.

sun/shade analysis of boathouse deck, Lake Rosseau, Muskoka

lightwell solar access to proposed condo units, Toronto ON

sun/shade analysis of tree root zones in teak plantation, Pemalang, Indonesia

solar shade design for proposed residence, Eden NC.

solar access study for proposed residence, Sunset Ridge, Park City UT.

sunlight analysis for interior court units of proposed condo, Toronto.

daylight analysis for interior bedrooms of proposed condo units, Toronto.

skylight design for proposed house addition, Toronto (Forest Hill).

sun/shade drawings showing building demolition/preservation options related to the protection of a vest pocket park in Midtown Manhattan NY.

proposed housing projects... 

...Phoenix AZ
...Monroe NJ.
...Springdale UT.

proposed pool and residence...

...Ft. Lauderdale FL
...Oro-Medonte ON
...Rosemere PQ.

proposed residential pool, Pickering ON.

proposed office building interior renovation, Manhattan NY.

solar orientation input for proposed...

...vineyard, Gainesville TX
...solar energy installation, Whitehorse YK.

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Miscellaneous Studies & Analyses

solar array spacing, Expo 2020, Dubai, UAE

‘bird-friendly’ glazing analysis, Toronto ON.

ballpark sun screen analysis, Meadowview Diamonds, St. Albert, AB.

'solar' (shadow-animated) billboard design, Frito-Lay SunChips, Oakland CA.

verify sun directions for plume audit (EPA Method 9), US Steel, Ecorse MI.

sundial design for Air India Flight 182 Memorial unveiled on Toronto waterfront by Prime Minister Stephen Harper on June 23, 2007.

photo / shadow "time and date analysis" of historical photo for Errol Morris Films.

prepare sun position graphic for commuter page, Dallas Fort Worth Star-Telegram, TX.

prepare sun position graphics for articles, Des Moines Register, Des Moines IA.

review published sun charts used by the cities of North York and Toronto.

assess available daylight hours for bussing students under alternative school hour proposal, Plano Independent School District, Plano TX.

assess available daylight hours and rate of change for medical patient, Concord MA.

assess available "on-location" daylight hours and sun position for movie shoot, Banff AB.

assess available daylight hours for golf course operations and scheduling, Barrie.

sunrise/sunset tables for locations throughout Canada and the U.S., as well as Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, Great Britain, Middle East, New Zealand, South America.

sunrise and sunset times for telephone InfoLine, CNIB Durham Region.

sunrise times and directions for Year 2000 Sunrise broadcast locations, New Zealand TV.

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Contact Info:

Ralph Bouwmeester, P. Eng.
R. Bouwmeester & Associates
Barrie, Ontario Canada
Phone: 1-705-726-3392

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