Sun & Shadow Position
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Working in Sun and Shadow
Engineer does solar studies
to help developers design buildings
By Robert Burg
Special to The Star
re-printed from "The Toronto Star" August 7, 1999
Toronto Star" is hereby acknowledged for the content.
Contents copyright © 1996-1999, The Toronto Star.
MASTER: Engineer Ralph Bouwmeester checks out a University of
Toronto campus sundial.
started studying solar positions to design a sundial.
If you want happiness, says a 1930s' song, you can always direct
yourself to the sunny side of the street.
But where do you find the sun in large cities and towns? After all,
those high-rise buildings do have the potential to cast long,
depressing shadows.
Ralph Bouwmeester tries to find solutions. The civil engineer, who
works in Barrie, has created a niche analyzing the shadows caused by
tall projects.
His work often kicks in when the developer proposes something that
exceeds the city's height limits. If the project has merits, city and
town governments may grant approval, but not before they ask the
developer to prove that the project will not cast dark shadows on
important public spaces or private properties - such as that sunny side
of the street people prefer, a heavily-used playground, or a
single-family home down the block.
With computer software he developed, Bouwmeester calculates the angle
in which the sun's rays strike a proposed building. All he needs to
know is the height, latitude and longitude of the location, and the
date and time of day that might be of concern. With his software, he
then determines exactly how large the shadow will be, in which
direction it will fall and for how long.
If the project will put adjacent properties in the dark, the sun and
shade specialist might work with the architect to modify the design
reduce the shadow. Other times, Bouwmeester can confirm that the
architect's plans won't cast long shadows and alleviate the anxieties
of concerned neighbours.
``The key is a lot of people don't realize that this type of analysis
is really possible,'' said Bouwmeester. ``I think it is a very cost
efficient way to ensure that a building is designed in an effective
manner that respects adjacent properties.''
For the Oasis Condominium project, being built on Eglinton Ave. near
Victoria Park Ave., Bouwmeester's analysis showed that an eight-storey
building in the proposed complex would cast shadows on residential
properties to the immediate north. The solution involved stepping back
the building so the original eight-storey design would only have six
storeys on a portion of the north side.
``By reducing the top two floors from this section, obviously the
shadows cast would be shorter, and would no longer encroach on the
neighbouring properties,'' said Bouwmeester.
The developer proceeded with the project without losing units.
Bouwmeester discovered that the suites lost on the north side could be
regained by adding a storey on the south side without affecting
``If a shadow is terrible then Ralph will show it,'' said Paul
Northgrave, the architect for the Oasis when Bouwmeester was hired to
do the shadow impact study. ``But I don't think we ever lost density
(on a project). Most of the time we just put it elsewhere and the
building is a little bit more expensive to build.''
Bouwmeester's precision, said Northgrave, who has used him about 12
times, gives developers valuable information when they must discuss the
impact of the project with anxious neighbours, and with local planners.
``If we have an objecting neighbour who says his flower boxes have no
more sunlight,'' said Northgrave, ``Ralph can tell you on any day of
the year down to the minute how much sunlight that flower box will
Normally Bouwmeester's work begins once a preliminary design is
prepared. But he hopes more developers and architects recognize that
his skills can be used early on to improve the design and value of the
project. For example, he can help to position terraces and windows to
get maximum sunlight, and to provide for the best views of a sunrise
and sunset.
``Those sorts of things are issues that appeal to people's senses, and
I strongly feel that they can help promote projects or specific units
within a project,'' he said.
As a child in Bowmanville, Bouwmeester owned his share of telescopes to
gaze at the stars. His first serious attempt to study the sun was in
the early 1980s when he began to design a model for an accurate
``Traditional sundials that I have seen don't take into account certain
variations in the speed at which the earth revolves around the sun
during the year - so they either run fast or slow,'' he said.
While the model is long complete, Bouwmeester is still looking for the
municipality or developer to build it.
Often his knowledge is sought after by police departments and defence
lawyers. For example, Bouwmeester provided testimony for a motorist in
Barrie accused of dangerous and careless driving causing injury. The
defendant maintained that the sun suddenly blinded him when he turned a
corner and struck a pedestrian crossing at an intersection.
``Nobody believed him at the trial that the sun suddenly popped out of
a tree and he couldn't see, but my testimony was sufficient to show
that the defendant's testimony was reasonable, and the judge acquitted
him,'' said Bouwmeester, who started his own civil engineering practice
in 1995, including sun and shadow work studies as a specialty.
Beginning in early 1997, he also took his specialty to the Internet by
opening a Web site, to help expand his business contacts.
He recently finished a project for a New York architect who was looking
to increase sunlight in a high-rise building in crowded Manhattan by
repositioning and enlarging windows.
Two years ago, in a completely different environment, he helped a
Phoenix developer building single-family homes find ways to decrease
the exposure to sun to make the homes as cool as possible.
His goal is to be the most reliable and well-known source in solar
positioning on the Internet. To increase his exposure he offers free
sunrise and sunset tables on his Web site for anyone. His Web site is www.sunposition.com.
``I have done a couple of hundred of these for people from all over the
world - in 15 or so countries and on every continent,'' said
He often gets queries, from professionals to homeowners, on how they
can optimize sunlight for their work sites and homes. But perhaps his
most interesting request came from a New Zealand television station
wanting to know whether a location in the Pacific Ocean country or
offshore would be the place to film the earliest sunrise of the new
Bouwmeester did the research and concluded that Pitt Island in the
Chatham Island Group, about 800 kilometres east of New Zealand, will be
the place to see the first ray of sunlight for the year 2000.
The station promised to give credit to Bouwmeester during its
millennium broadcast. While he is grateful for the publicity, the best
compensation would be a free trip to the event.
``I am waiting to be invited to go over there,'' he said, laughing.
``That would be something.''
Contact Info:
Ralph Bouwmeester, P. Eng.
R. Bouwmeester & Associates
Barrie, Ontario Canada
Phone: 1-705-726-3392
(Please call or email for
complete address details)
More ways to contact us
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information contained within these World Wide Web Pages is
Copyright © 1999, R. Bouwmeester & Associates.
All Rights Reserved.
All Trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.
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